Awards interview? Nail it, baby!


Nail your business awards interview or presentation

When you’re through to round two, make an impression

Every business awards program is different.

Some are done purely by secret shopping and client interviews, while others are done via submissions.

Approximately 25% of programs have a second stage that involves a face-to-face panel interview, and even these vary. Some interviews are like a job interview (erggh), others require you to make a formal presentation (double erggh).

Don’t worry. We’re here to help remove the erggh.


Business award presentation planning

There’s more to a stage two interview than meets the eye.

While select business awards programs, such as the Telstra Business Awards, provide media and presentation training to finalists, the vast majority don’t. You’re left on your own to quake in your boots.

Let Awards Agency reduce the terror and help improve your performance. We can:

So when stage two rolls around, there’s no reason why you can’t be prepared, polished and absolutely PUMPED! 

And so damn awesome they can’t ignore you.

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Not sure where to begin with business awards? Our newsletter is a pretty good starting point. No bull – just damn good info.

The Agency that's home to Australia's best Business Awards Specialists!

Sydney’s most talented business award analysts and copywriters, making your awards submission stand out

Writing a business awards submission isn’t for the faint-hearted. You need guts. Commitment. And sometimes a Rambo-style headband.

We’re kind of like your award warriors, delving deep into the jungle of your business to help you pull out the gems.

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